
Accurate information

VMI (Vendor Managed Inventory) is a solution where suppliers have access to the inventory data of customers and are responsible for resupplying products according to convenience or demand.

Application for smartphones and tablets

All the information in the palm of your hand. The new NETVMI application for iOS and Android smartphones enables quick and easy access to the system, wherever you are.

Simplicity and practicality

The interface provides information simply and directly. With one quick glance it is possible to view the situation of each one of the monitored resources.

You can access detailed information about each monitored resource, such as consumption graphs, reload history, temperature variations and much more.

Do you want to know more? Request a business contact.

Accurate and reliable information

Electronic monitoring of resources in real time, 24 hours a day, seven days a week, enabling information accuracy and more effective management.

Guaranteed inventory replacement

When products are consumed rapidly, the resupply alarms are more frequent, enabling swifter deliveries.

Savings in operations

Substantially improved planning through balanced inventory management, thereby avoiding lack or surplus of products, as well as the need for urgent deliveries or return of goods.

Safety and control

Fewer accidents from manual measurements and instant information about leaks, failures in tanks, silos and spheres, or temperature variations.

Swift replacement cycle

Easier to make decisions about when and how much to replace, based on dynamic and reliable inventory information. Suppliers can anticipate orders and bring you products at the precise moment you need them.